Ozonated Water & Poultry
Optimal water quality is crucial for maximizing flock health and performance. Our Ozone Treatment Systems are designed to help you reduce pathogens, eliminate biofilm, and increase water intake, leading to healthier birds and noticeable increases in growth rates. With increased dissolved oxygen, your flock benefits from better nutrient absorption and feed efficiency, resulting in stronger performance and reduced mortality. Explore further to discover how these cutting-edge technologies can transform your poultry operation and drive measurable results.
Ozone & Poultry Performance
Discover how ozone can elevate your poultry operation to new levels of success. The powerful impact of ozone and supersaturated dissolved oxygen in drinking water unlocks untapped areas of profitability, driving healthier flocks and more efficient growth!

Pathogen & Biofilm Control
Ozone is a powerful disinfectant! Ozone is highly effective at reducing harmful pathogens like Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella, and Campylobacter. Ozone’s strong oxidative potential neutralizes bacteria, viruses, and fungi without leaving harmful chemical residues in the water. Studies have verified ozone's ability to destroy biofilm and prevent its regrowth.

Improved Water Intake & Hydration
Ozone oxidizes organic matter in the water, resulting in cleaner, fresher-tasting water. Chickens are pallet driven. With improved water quality & taste, studies have shown a 5-8% increase in water intake among broilers, directly translating to better hydration and growth rates.

Reduced Mortality Rate
Ozone’s ability to eliminate water borne illness, and improve the overall health & immune system of a bird results in a 10-15% reduction in mortality rate.

Enhance Growth & Feed Conversion
After ozone kills, it turn into oxygen, resulting in a supply of water supersaturated with dissolved oxygen. High levels of dissolved oxygen in the water improve nutrient absorption, leading to faster growth rates and better overall health. Food Conversion Rates can improve by as much as 3-5%

Healthier Birds w/ More Stress Tolerance
Cleaner water reduces the immune burden on chickens, allowing them to allocate more energy toward growth rather than fighting infections.Broilers raised with ozone-treated water and elevated DO levels have shown weight gains of up to 5-7% compared to control groups with untreated water. Farms using ozonated water have reduced their reliance on antibiotics by up to 30-50%, promoting healthier, more sustainable flock management.

Using ozone to treat your drinker lines is a powerful, chemical-free way to improve water quality, reduce disease risk, and enhance bird health & growth. The average system pays for itself in less than a year from all the benefits listed above. Reach out and lets talk about how Ozone can take your farm to the next level